Install Chembiodraw For Mac

2020. 2. 8. 12:33카테고리 없음

The ChemBioDraw Ultra suite provides scientists with an up-to-date collection of scientifically intelligent applications for chemical structure drawing and analysis combined with biological pathway drawing. The software is available for both Windows and Mac. Mac version: 15.0 Support Level: None.

Install and Activate ChemDraw. Click on the ChemBioDraw installer cdpf16.0.1.dmg in Downloads.

Review and accept the licence agreement. Drag and Drop ChemDraw Professional 16.0 to the Applications folder. Authenticate as an Administrator account if required. Drag and Drop CDQuickLook to your QuickLook folder. Authenticate as an Administrator account if required.

ChemDraw can now be unmounted. Double-click ChemDraw Professional 16.0 from the Applications folder. If informed that ChemDraw is an application downloaded from the internet and asked whether to open it, click Open. Enter your user details and both the Serial Number and Registration Code to activate ChemDraw. The Serial Number and Registration Code will have been emailed to your University email address from PerkinElmer after registering the software using the link provided in the email from the Service Desk.

Install Chemdraw For Mac

Click Activate. Select the desired install location (it is recommended to use the default location). Click Install.

ChemDraw is now ready to use.

ChemDraw 17 is the newest version. It uses a different account package called Flexnet to track your serial numbers and allow you to download the software. If you had a login for the Perkin Elmer webpage for version 16, you must create a new registration for Flexnet - you can reuse the u sername and password if you want. ChemDraw Version 17.0 Steps 1. Find Product Info 3.

Download the Mac version 4. Retrieve the activation code from the Order History in the left column - click on the Order Number to get the code. Run the installation and enter the activation code when required.

Both PCs and Macs use the same activation code now. The ChemDraw 16 Professional Site Licence package is available free to all registered students, faculty and staff at or affiliated with the University of Toronto. It does require an up to date version of Mac OS:. Mac OS X 10.9.x (Mavericks). Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) The download steps: 1. Go to the (owned by Perkin Elmer) 2.

Login or create a Cambridgesoft account using your e-mail address that ends in '' 3. Login to Cambridgesoft using your e-mail and new password 4. On the right side of the page is a box containing:.


Services. My Site Subscription.

My Downloads. My Database Subscriptions. Register My Software. Request Literature & Demo DVD 5.

Click on 'My Site Subscription' and download the Mac version. Follow the instructions for installation. Click on 'My Downloads' to retrieve your serial number and registration code.

Open the application if it does not open automatically once installed and enter your name, organization, the serial number and registration code then click on finish. Note: You can use this serial number/registration code on multiple machines - for a work machine, home machine or laptop for example. When you need to download the software onto a second computer, you login with your Cambridgesoft account and download again - just use the same serial number/registration code (redo steps 3-5).

You can also mix and match Mac and PC versions - PC at work, Mac at home, etc. Ignore the 'Register my software' option if it appears - that is for the commercial users.

Troubleshooting If you encounter an error when downloading or installing the software, contact Patricia Meindl,, for assistance stating your operating system and your Chemdraw Version.